
June 21, the first day of summer marks the first day of the Summer Reading Challenge in the Indie Fantasy Addicts Facebook group. (Read ANY indie fantasy, and subgenre of fantasy (ARCs, audiobooks, and shorts included) and have a chance at winning some amazing prizes such as signed books, ebooks, audiobooks, and swag from some Amazon Bestselling and USA Today Bestselling authors! All readers have to do is post about their reads in the group and tag them with #IFASummerChallenge19.

Details about our current Summer Reading Challenge are listed at the bottom of this email. The goal? For members to discover more nail-biting, edge of your seat, take-you-for-a-wild-ride-and-leave-you-breathless books!

There are some absolutely amazing authors who graciously donated signed copies and ebooks to this challenge. Many of them being USA Today and Amazon bestselling authors!

#IFASummerChallenge19 Details:

The purpose of this is just to have fun and discover more amazing indie fantasy authors! We are going to make this simple. There is no set reading list. ARCS and audiobooks also apply. Read whatever you want as long as it’s indie fantasy.

All you have to do is post what you're reading, tag it with #IFASummerChallenge19, (plus your team name if applicable), number it, and share your thoughts on the book (without spoilers!) so the rest of us can discover more amazing adventures! And group reads are worth bonus points! (#IFASummerChallengeBonus)

The Challenge will go from June 21 to September 22, 2019—the last day of summer! For the solo challenge (everyone is included in this regardless if you’re on a team or not), we will be doing a tiered winning system since not all readers read at the same rate. Eg. A tier for the winner for whoever reads the most indie fantasy books, and a few other tiers. eg. 20+, 16-20, 11-15, 5-9. 0-4.

Draws will be done to choose winners from the two lower tiers.

Grand Prize: Multiple signed books and swag
The other tiers will have chances to win a signed book, ebook, audiobook, swag, etc.

In addition to the regular individual scoreboard, both authors and readers have the opportunity to join a team for even more fun, and more chances to win! There will also be prizes awarded to the winning team, the team with the best team spirit, the team who listened to the most audiobooks, etc.

This is going to be a blast!!!! Start getting your Challenge TBR lists ready!!!!

If you want to join us go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/indiefantasyaddicts/announcements/


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